The Focal Utopia is one of the best headphones in the world. Naturally, it deserves a good source and a serious amplifier. I have tried quite a few amps with the Utopia in various types and price classes, and in this article I will describe my experiences.
I have used the original version of the Utopia. However, since it has the same driver and specifications as the 2022 version, I will be very surprised if the results would’ve been any different with the latest iteration.
Further, I used two types of pads during this comparison, listening to all amps with both types of pads. The pads used were the original stock pads and the Dekoni fenestrated sheepskin pads. The sheepskin pads shift the sound a tad towards the warmer, with slightly less treble and more bass. This tunes the original Utopia in the same direction as the tuning of the Utopia 2022 version. Major difference between the pads is that the stock pads have a mesh part on the inside. This absorbs some bass.
Which pads I used didn’t affect my opinion of the amplifiers.
The Utopia (original and 2022 version) has an impedance of 80 Ohms and a sensitivity of a friendly 104dB (SPL / 1mW @ 1kHz).
The source used for this comparison is the RME ADI-2 DAC FS.

One should not underestimate small amps. If you take into account that the external PSU yes or most bigger than the amp itself it really isn’t that small after all. But still, it is a very low-price amplifier in this setting. However, it does a pretty good job when it comes to driving the Utopia. It is a very dynamic little thing. There is also lots of detail but where it is lacking is in the fine nuances and timbre. The Magni Heretic sounds a bit dry, making the Utopia a little edgy. Even though it is good in many ways, I will not recommend this combination unless as a starter setup.

- Headphone output: 6.35 mm jack
- 1 pair of RCA inputs
- 1 pair of RCA preamp outputs
- External PSU
I find the Topping A90 to be a very good match for the Utopia. Nothing is done wrong. Powerful bass, and great imaging. It’s snappy, well balanced and just very good. It’s clearly a step up from the Schiit, especially in terms of tonality, it’s warmer sounding and more organic with better timbre. The A90 has been discontinued and replaced by the A90D.

- Headphone output: 4 pin XLR, 4.4mm and 6.35mm jack
- RCA inputs and XLR inputs
- XLR and RCA preamp outputs
- Gain switch, 3 steps
The Ukrainian one-man company called Rebel Amp only produces one single product and that is the Rebel Amp. It is based on an open-source circuit layout. It sounds pretty impressive with Focal Utopia. Very dynamic. Lots of detail. Slightly warm sounding, but very transparent. I think it does a better job than the Topping A90.

- Headphone output: 4 6.35mm jack
- RCA inputs
- RCA preamp outputs
- Gain switch, 2 steps
This is an extremely dynamic and clean-sounding amplifier. And especially so with the Utopia. It brings out every detail and takes the holographic experience to a new level. The bass is very powerful and punchy, and the treble very clear and clean.
Compared to the Topping A90, it’s even cleaner and even more dynamic. The space between instruments is even blacker. The Rebel Amp is closer, but not all there.
With the Mytek, the insane spatial qualities of the Utopia are brought to another level. The bass seems to go even deeper and it’s delivered with better control. The treble is also super tight. The mid-range is great too with the same control and incredible detail as the rest of the frequency spectrum.
The Mytek Liberty isn’t bright. It’s not dark. It’s the definition of neutrality. It seems to be a total lack of distortion. It’s never fatiguing. However, it is so clean and transparent that I can understand if people find it too neutral. Other amps tend to add some meat and fullness to the already neutral and clean Utopia. I’m not holding that against the Mytek though, I think this combination is really, really good.

- Headphone output: 4 pin XLR, 4.4mm, 6.35mm and 3.5mm jack (yes – all 4!)
- 3 pairs RCA inputs and 1 pair balanced XLR/TRS inputs
- RCA preamp outputs
- Gain switch, 4 steps
- Crossfeed 5 steps
Another great amp for the Utopia. It’s not as super clean as the Mytek Brooklyn THX AAA Amp, but it brings something else to the table. There’s a very nice lushness. There is a little more body to vocals and instruments, but you lose a little bit of that hyper-clarity. It is still very powerful, punchy and detailed, though, and definitely a good match with the Utopia.

- Headphone output: 4 pin XLR, 2×3 pin XLR 6.35mm jack
- 1 pair RCA inputs 1 pair balanced XLR inputs and 3.5 mm mini jack input.
- XLR preamp outputs
- Gain switch, 2 steps
- Left/Right balance

Strictly speaking, this is not a dedicated amp, but a DAC/Amp combo. However, it’s among my solid-state favourites. Detailed, dynamic with a hint of warmth. The headphone amplifier section of the Erco is a scaled-down Ferrum Oor, so I would be surprised if the Oor didn’t match well with the Utopia. You can read more about the Erco in the DAC/Amp section below.
I do not have this amplifier at hand but I had the pleasure of listening to it extensively with the Utopia a couple of times and I truly was amazed with what I heard. Absolutely blown away. It is a solid-state amplifier but it sounded quite euphonic and had a warm glow to it like good tube amplifiers. Gobs of detail, very dynamic.
It is no longer in production, but it left such an impression on me that I want to mention it anyway. I have yet to hear the current option from Trilogy, the Trilogy 931i, but the original 931 wasn’t at the same level as the 933 with the Utopia.
This giant piece of audio equipment has never failed to make a headphone sound good. The Utopia is no exception. It sounds coherent, well balanced and with good bass punch and presence.

The Audio-gd Master 9 (M9) has been replaced by the Audio-gd Master HE-9LE which according to Audio-gd “…is an upgraded version of Master-9, redesigned based on M-9”. I would be surprised if that did not do the Utopia justice. The new, smaller and cheaper model called Master 19 might also be worth looking into.
The Taurus does nicely with everything, including the Utopia. It is quite neutral but has a hint of warmth and in many ways similar to the Bryston BHA-1.
Sadly, Auralic stopped making headphone amps after the Taurus and focused solely on streamers.
Another great amplifier with a hint of warmth. It has always been my go-to amplifier for some solid-state amplification with a hint of lushness. It pairs very well with the Utopia.
The technology used in this amplifier lives on in the DAC/amps Questyle CMA 400i, CMA Twelve and CMA Fifteen.
Now, this was truly a pleasant surprise. The little thing is performing way above its price point with the Utopia. There is a nice warmth and fullness to the presentation that suits the Utopia very well. I think the Fiio K5 sounds better with the Utopia than the Schiit Magni Heretic, and it is amazingly close to the significantly more expensive DAC/amps, whether I use the digital or the analogue inputs. It’s not the last word in resolution and dynamics, but it certainly makes the Utopia sound very good.

- Headphone output: 6.35mm and 3.5mm jack
- Analog RCA inputs
- RCA preamp outputs
- USB and Coax/Toslink digital inputs
- Gain switch, 3 steps
- External PSU
This is a really fabulous match for the Utopia. A hint of warmth and stunning dynamics, detail and imaging. Great bass, delicious mids and crystal clear highs. This DAC/amp solution is basically endgame in a relatively small box. It’s almost as clear as the Mytek Liberty THX but with a slight hint of warmth. Compared to the Bryston BHA-1, it’s actually a tad cleaner.

- Headphone output: 6.35mm and 4.4mm jack
- RCA and XLR preamp or fixed outputs
- USB, Toslink and Coax digital inputs
- Gain switch, 3 steps
- External PSU
The compact DAC has the same form factor as the Liberty THX amplifier and has its own headphone output. They stack nicely and if you start with either you can supplement later.
Liberty DAC has a rather good headphone output. It sounds really great with the Utopia. It is not bright or strident, it is not flat sounding: It is slightly warm and lush, with detail and dynamics and I really like it. It does not have the insane precision and separation of the Liberty THX amp or the Ferrum Erco, but it’s better than the RME ADI-2 DAC FS.

- Headphone output: 6.35mm jack
- RCA and XLR preamp outputs independent
- USB, Toslink, AES and Coax digital inputs
- Screen and navigation buttons
- Remote control
- PC/Mac control app
The ADI-2 is a Swiss army knife. The DAC part is fabulous, and the DSP options are amazing, especially now after RME released software for controlling everything from a PC or a Mac.
There is nothing wrong with the Utopia and the headphone output of the RME ADI-2 DAC FS. It’s a great value DAC/Amp. However, compared to the much more expensive Ferrum Erco or the Mytek Liberty DAC 2, I do notice that the sound isn’t as clear, organic and dynamic. It sounds a bit flat. That being said, the RME ADI-2 certainly delivers most of what the Utopia has to offer, it’s just not the last word.

- Headphone output: 6.35mm and 3.5 mm jack
- RCA and XLR preamp outputs independent volume from the headphone output
- USB, Toslink and Coax digital inputs
- Two headphone power modes
- Advanced built-in DSP options with EQ, crossfeed etc.
- Screen and navigation buttons
- Remote control with advanced functionality
- PC/Mac control app
- External PSU

Even though the Utopia has relatively low impedance at 80 Ohms, it can definitely sound good with tube amps. It’s normally important that they are transformer coupled and not OTL (output transformerless). An OTL amp will colour the sound of lower-impedance headphones because it has inherently high output impedance. Typically this gives thicker and looser bass and a generally darker sound. Now, you might be lucky and find a great sounding combo, but those are the exceptions.
This is not really a tube amp, but a hybrid tube amplifier with a single 6922 tube in the input stage. I think this amp pairs really well with the Focal Utopia. It has plenty of power and headroom. It isn’t as ultra-clear as the Mytek Liberty THX or the Ferrum Erco. However, it does make the edges a little less sharp, there’s more glow to many instruments, like the electric jazz guitar on Todd Sickafoose’s Magnetic North. The Gemini gives you a perfect blend of tubes and solid state, it’s a great amp.

- Headphone output: 4 pin XLR and 6.35 jack
- 1 pair of RCA inputs
- 1 pair of RCA Preamp outputs
- Gain switch
The all-vacuum tube, fully balanced WA22 transformer coupled amplifier is a classic, and it is so for a reason. How it sounds, however, depends largely on the tubes installed. I have TS5998, GZ34 and VT231 in mine.
This great amplifier is definitely a good match for Utopia. It’s punchy and spacious, yet more organic sounding than the solid-state amps. It’s very visceral and dynamic. You don’t get the same extreme precision as with the Mytek Liberty THX, but the timbre is great. Some matches really are just great and it’s hard to describe why. The WA22 and Utopia are one of those matches. I just want to keep on listening.
One thing I noticed is that I can play quite a bit louder than with most solid-state amps. The treble really is nicely rounded.

- 3 Headphone outputs: 4 pin XLR, 2x3pin XLR and 6.35 jack
- 1 pair of RCA inputs
- 1 pair XLR inputs
- 1 pair XLR Preamp outputs (new version)
- Output impedance switch
A true high-end tube amplifier that I save for special occasions and headphones that are truly worthy. The Utopia is of course one of those and I have been using this amplifier for my comparisons and most of my listening with the Utopia. And that is for a good reason. As with the Woo WA22, the EAR HP4 has that euphonic feel to it. There’s a sense of glow in the way the music is presented. The HP4 is a superb amplifier for the Utopia. The Mytek Liberty THX has more detail, is tighter and great at what it does, but the HP4 adds another kind of quality. It’s a preference thing.

- 4 Headphone outputs: 2 x 6.35 mm jack low impedance, 2 x 6.35 mm jack high impedance
- 1 pair of RCA inputs
- 1 pair XLR inputs
- 1 pair XLR preamp outputs
- 1 pair RCA preamp outputs
This amplifier is another one of my treasures. I often connect headphones to the speaker tabs, unless when it is necessary to use the headphone output because of tube noise. The Utopia actually is fine from the speaker tabs, but it basically sounds the same from the headphones outputs. It sounds absolutely terrific. It is similar to the other two great tube amps I have described. Dynamic, detailed, euphonic and warm sound. If you ever thought that this headphone was bright and a bit edgy. You can consider yourself in the wrong if you listen to this setup.

- Headphone output: 6.35mm jack
- 3 pair RCA inputs
- 1 pair RCA subwoofer outputs
- Speaker outputs
- Remote control for volume
- Selectable triode or ultra-linear mode for different operation, power output and sound

The Focal Utopia is not especially difficult to drive. It has quite low impedance and very high sensitivity for a high-end headphone. However, if you want to squeeze all the magic out of it, there is no doubt the amplifier matters. The Utopia scales well: better amplifiers mean better results.
However, what is “better” is not purely an objective and one-dimensional question. Some will prefer ultra-clean sound, others might like a little more flesh and body, and some will prefer the euphonic touch of a good tube amplifier. However, all amps sound a bit different, and the Utopia is a very revealing headphone. Some differences are subtle, some differences are clearly audible.
The Mytek Liberty THX amp impressed me the most out of the solid-state amps with its incredible dynamics and phenomenal clarity. The Ferrum Erco isn’t far behind, hence making it a great DAC/amp match. The Rebel Amp is almost up there with the best at a much lower price. The Bryston BHA-1 sounds very good too, with a neutral but full-bodied sound.
The Gemini hybrid amp from Sparkos Labs gives you a taste of the tube magic. The Woo WA22, EAR HP4 and Cary SLI-80 give you a delicious sound that only good tube amps can deliver.
I don’t really like to make rankings because there are always different qualities with the different gear. However, I if I force myself to make a list, here’s my take on my own order of preference at the time of writing. Take it with a grain or two of salt. I listed Erco and Gemini two places because they’re hybrids and are good.
Highest preference first in each list:
- Mytek Liberty THX AAA Amp
- Ferrum Erco
- Bryston BHA-1 / Audio-gd Master 9
- Sparkos Gemini / Auralic Taurus / Questyle CMA800R
- Rebel Amp
- Topping A90
- Fiio K5 PRO ESS
- Schiit Magni 3 Heretic
For the record, all these are good
- Cary SLI-80
- Woo WA22
- Sparkos Labs Gemini
- Ferrum Erco
- Mytek Liberty DAC 2
- Fiio K5 PRO ESS
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